Scheduled Vacancies


Plum trees are in full bloom!
The photo is of weeping plum blossoms in the Jounangu Shrine's Shinto garden.
It was incredibly crowded 💦 but beautiful as a dream!
There are many other plum blossoms viewing spots in Kyoto, so please visit them!


-Vacancy Schedule Information - (This information is only for the latest vacancy schedule. Please check our website for current vacancies)

Kawaramachi-Gojo-C House Room201 4/8~ *for women only *Occupancy application received!
Saga-Arasiyama House Room207 4/17~ *Occupancy application received!

We will update the vacancy schedule every Wednesday at 3pm! Check back next week!


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Would you like to share your life with your housemates from all over the world? It is also recommended for students who want to keep the initial cost low because it is furnished with appliances. Whether you want to study Japanese, live in a location with easy access to the city, or live in a quiet Kyoto location, this share house is the place for you. Be sure to check it out!

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