Tenmon-sai Festival at Daishogunhachi Shrine in Kyoto will be held in October! Share House in Kita-ku, Kyoto【8NEST Taishogun】

Tenmonsai Festival, an annual festival of Daishogun Hachi Shrine in Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto,

is held on the third Sunday in October every year in a grand manner.

The excitement rises from the evening of the previous day,

and after the ceremony of the day, the parade of the portable shrine begins.

About 150 people carry the heavy portable shrine,

which is said to have been built in the Edo period, in a brave manner.

The streetcarrying and mikoshi merrymaking at the Oshogun intersection,

the mikoshi's merrymaking, the goddess mikoshi and the children's mikoshi are also worth seeing.


※ Due to the impact of the new coronavirus, the scale of the project was reduced this year.

Schedule: October 18, 2020 (Sun)

official website: http://www.daishogun.or.jp/index.html

Latest Information: https://ja.kyoto.travel/event/single.php?event_id=3678


48 Nishi-iri Nishi-cho, Ichijodori-Omae, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto


15 minutes on foot from Marmachi Station on the Sagano Line.

20 minutes by taxi from Kyoto Station.





8NEST's share house is located just a 6 minute walk from the Daishogun Hachi Shrine.

Because it's an international exchange type of share house,

you can live with users from abroad even under corona conditions!

Nearest station is Kitano-Shirahume-cho Station (6 minutes on foot)

and JR Sagano Line and Sanin Line Marmachi Station (10 minutes on foot).

Facing Nishioji-dori, which runs through Kyoto City from north to south,

you have easy access to the bus stops that run through the city!

There are 5 rooms in the house, and the supermarket and convenience store are within walking distance.

On the rooftop, there is a rooftop overlooking the city of Kyoto, so you can enjoy a sense of freedom!




Please contact us anytime^^



For international exchange share house in Kyoto, come to 8NEST!
Would you like to share your life with your housemates from all over the world? It is also recommended for students who want to keep the initial cost low because it is furnished with appliances. Whether you want to study Japanese, live in a location with easy access to the city, or live in a quiet Kyoto location, this share house is the place for you. Be sure to check it out!

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