★★Let’s learn how to say “Hello!” in different countries★★


Hello! With the easing of immigration restrictions since June, We have so many foreign residents in 8NEST share house. We have become a multinational house, not only for English-speaking countri

Games with everyone in the House on rainy days ♪


Hello! I happened to visit Jingu Marutamachi House today for something else, and everyone was getting along and playing Smash Bros. on the Switch! They bought it recently, which makes the party

Entry restrictions eased in June!


Immigration restrictions have been eased since June. The number of international students from abroad has been increasing at our share house, and we have a multinational population. In addition,

Work from home in a shared house with coworking space♪


Hello! How are you doing? Starting in June, immigration restrictions have been eased a bit, the maximum number of people entering the country has been doubled, and we are getting more and more inqu

Welcome party★


Hello, How is your week going?   We had a Welcome party with our residents of all houses. The place was Kyoto Jingu Marutamachi House , which has a coworking space, and all the residents

Recommended! Go to Shimogamo Shrine near Hyakumanben Share House for autumn leaves in Kyoto


In this year's season, it can be cold and then warm again with sweaty weather, or it can be autumn or summer, but then it finally starts to get cold. As the weather gets colder, the leaves start to

Let’s use Eight Nest Share House as a rental office!


Hello, Eight Nest Share House is currently operating nine share houses in Kyoto City. But actually, you can also use it as a rental office! The best point 1 for rental office One of the best

8NEST Hyakumanben Summary Article


Detailed article on the property (Information on the shared space) https://8-nest.com/archives/7877   Convenient location (access to facilities in the area) https://8-nest.com/archive

A share house with a variety of people living in it.


Eight Nest Share House is home to a wide variety of people. You'll find people from East Asia, Southeast Asia, Oceania, Europe, South America, and North America, as well as engineers, creators, stu

Close to Saga Bijutsu Daigaku and Saga Bijutsu Junior college in Arashiyama, Kyoto, with access to JR, Keifuku, and Hankyu lines.


8Nest Saga Arashiyama is a fully renovated international exchange share house in the Arashiyama area of Kyoto.     JR Saga Arashiyama Station (5 minutes walk), Keifuku Arashi

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